FJ-1002 Sauna Box / Acupuncture Box
The acupuncture box utilizes magnets to stimulate the needles and acupoints on the back of the human body, sensing Qi and heat energy. This energy is then converted into needle-free acupuncture treatment effects. The device is capable of treating chronic diseases, alleviating chronic pain, regulating endocrine disorders, balancing Yang and Yin, and unblocking energy pathways. This traditional Chinese medicine treatment method, involving meridian and acupoint massage, has been highly effective and is widely praised by both doctors and patients.
DRFUJI Cyber Burn Wellness Slimmer Essential Lounge half sauna was designed to provide users with the amazing benefits and full experience of a sauna at a fraction of the cost.
This Cyber Burn Wellness Slimmer is portable and conveniently fits anywhere you need it to. Whether you have an apartment, condo, or any living situation, this infrared sauna is a perfect choice when looking to get your sweat on without having to worry about space.